March 20th, 2021

Starring: Ron (male, 40-50)

An empty kitchen table. Morning, probably the weekend.

RON (voice)


Ron strolls in.  He has a little grey in his hair, but not too much. He’s holding something covered in black cloth, which he places it on the table.


Have a look.

He takes off the cloth, revealing a small, neon-colored CD boom box.  One with those carry handles over the top.  It has glittery stickers all over it.  


It’s my daughter’s.  

Well, it’s mine.  

I bought it, way back when.

Don’t remember when, I just remember the buying.

It wasn’t for any occasion or nothing, just figured it was something she wanted.

You always hope your kid likes it, but you never really know.

My daughter’s great.  So’s her brother.

They’re sleeping in.  They do that now.

So I found this in the attic.  Spring cleaning.

Looked like some sort of alien spaceship or something, hehe.

I grew up before these things.  Still felt foreign.

Ron pulls out a translucent CD sleeve, with one inside.

Canned Heat.  From the van glovebox.

I got curious.  I had time.  

Popped open the battery case, scraped out the corroded double A’s in there, popped some fresh ones in, and lo and behold…

Ron presses a button on the player, which pops open the CD holder.  He chuckles, entranced.


Ship’s still running.

Now, listen.

He puts the CD in the player, closes the holder, and presses the play button.  We hear the disc being read as it spins, then, sure enough, “Time Was” by Canned Heat begins to play.

Ron lets the music run for a few seconds, then excitedly pauses pause.


Did you hear it?


I’ll show you again.

He opens the holder, takes out the disc, puts the disc back in, and closes.


Listen for it.

Not the music.

We hear the disc being read, the disc spinning, then again, the music begins.  Ron stops it immediately.


There.  Right there.

You can hear it.  

That moment where you don’t know if it’s going to do it.

But you hear it trying.  Thinking.  Moving.

There’s still life in there.  You know?  

I don’t know.

It’s comforting.

Ron repeats his CD process.  He listens to the music play.  He lets it go for some time, then presses stop. 


I should probably start the pancakes.



The Pungent Pendant

