
November 12th, 2020

Starring: Owner, Spot (male, dog)

Sundown.  Spot is looking out a window, barking.  Owner comes in, joining Spot at the window.  Both Owner and Spot can be seen in the window’s reflection.  Also note that the whole time, Owner speaks to Spot with that signature uptalked, higher-registered, I’m talking-to-a-dog tone (everyone’s got a version of this):


Hey Spot, whatcha barking at?

Spot keeps barking.

What do you see?  Is there a squirrel out there?

Spot keeps barking.

Ohhh.  I see.  You see yourself, don’t you?

Spot barks.

Yeah.  What’s that thing staring back at you?  Pretty scary, huh?

Spot barks, almost in agreement.

You know pal, I wish I didn’t know what I looked like.  

My species wasn’t meant to know that either.  

But then we got smart enough to find out, and our self-image subsumed our egos.

Spot stops barking, but is still looking at his own reflection.  Owner starts to pet him lovingly:

Yeah!  And that ruined everything!

So fuck you Spot.  

Yeah!  Fuck you!  Fuck you for your loyalty and altruism and egoless love!

You should be my owner!

Pause.  They share one last moment together, staring at their own reflections.  Owner gives Spot one last head pat.

Good boy.

Owner leaves.  Spot stays staring, ever-alert.  One final bark, for good measure.





(Tropical) Depression