
May 17th, 2020

Starring: The Graduate

The Graduate ascends to the podium, in full regalia.  They tap the microphone lightly.


I decided I would write a poem for this occasion. It’s called “Towel.”  

I hope you like it. You might not.


“I stare at Dustin Hoffman through a dirty computer screen

He’s in SCUBA gear

So cute and innocent

With his flippers and mask with tunnel vision

The poor soul, in the deep end of the pool

A metal tank on his back

All alone, breathing


I walk by a SCUBA shop so I can too

It’s closed

I drown

Dustin Hoffman never graduated

But his eyes make it seem like he has

He is good at acting

Very good

I want to jump inside Dustin Hoffman

I want to hear what Dustin hears and think what Dustin thinks

I want to feel Dustin sweat when Mrs. Robinson reveals herself

I want to harness the pride when Dustin sees himself onscreen

I want Dusty’s fame

I want Dusty’s fortune

I want Dusty’s SCUBA tank

Dustin Hoffman has a big Hollywood movie star house

With a barbed wire fence and pruned hedges and gate with a callbox

And a big, deep pool

I want to jump in

So I do

And when his security detail fishes me from the deep end

They will set me down in a pool chair that costs three full credit hours

And as we wait for the police to arrive

I kindly ask for a towel

Hand me a towel

Hand me a towel

Hand me a towel that can blot the stinging sensation of suck seeping slowly from every pore


I’m handed nothing

And as the water drips and the sirens howl through the canyons of California

Dustin Hoffman hears nothing.

He is fast asleep.”

Congratulations Class of 2020.

Go get ‘em.





Paradise (Part 3)