The Greeter

February 18th, 2021

Starring: Stu (male, late 60’s/early 70’s)

Early morning, first light.  Stu sits behind the wheel of his running car, in a large parking lot.  


I got sacked at the New Year.

No, well...that’s unfair.  “Contract not renewed.”  Same result, less corporate responsibility.

It was hubris, not seeing it coming.  I constructed my 40 years in human resources on a bedrock of durability.  Kept the career measurements square.  Sturdy, basic, built to last.  I assumed being the longest-standing house on the block meant I belonged.  That I’d been granted historic status, appreciated for my antique charm.

To some, it’s a dream home.  To most, it’s a rickety relic not worth the cost of upkeep.  So they buy it for the land and wrecking ball the rest.

Three more years, I thought.  If I could put in three, I’d tire myself just right.  Not burnt out, but ready.  That’s what I was looking forward to.  The power to end things exactly how I wanted.  

And they took it from me.  


But I did.  I didn’t reach higher.  Dream bigger.  I stuck around instead of sticking out.

Retiring would have proved it.  That what I was afraid of just might be true.

So I left, with grace.  I found something new.

Stu rummages into the backseat and pulls out a blue vest.  On the front, it has a nametag with his name, with a bunch of other buttons pinned on.  On the back it reads, “How may I help you?”  Stu slips it on and buttons it up. 

My family thinks I’m nuts. 

“You don’t need the money, hang up the cleats, visit the grandkids.”

Three years, I tell them.  This is my story.  I close the book.

Stu turns off the car, gets out, and locks it.  He stares up at the palatial Walmart supercenter in front of him:

Until’s just another day.

He heads towards the entrance, off to work.  Just another day.





The Funnel