A Message From the WWF

April 26th, 2020

Starring: The Rhino

A zoo enclosure.  A tractor tire’s somewhere on the ground.  The Rhino (white horned) enters, stands there for a moment, picks up the tire, and chucks it to the other side.


I’m working out.

They walk to the tire again, pick it up, and chuck it.

I’m also getting my anger out.

Tire chuck.

They’re not mutually exclusive.

Tire chuck.

I’m not even that angry.

Tire chuck.

It’s just kind of you know...inherent to my...my uh...what do you call it…?



Race?  Phylum?  Class?  Order?


Species!  My species.

Tire chuck.

But I pretty much am my species now.

Three of us left worldwide? I can choose what I am.

Tire chuck.

I’m not angry, ergo, my species isn’t either.


Tire chuck.


The Rhino sits on the tire.

My species is bored.

I’ve become an introvert by necessity.  I “Darwined,” if you will?

So it didn’t faze me when people stopped showing up.

I don’t like the loneliness.  I’m just prepared for it.

It’s a good life around here.  I like it.

And any animal who tells you differently can come straight to my office.

It’s safe.  How many of my species could ever say that?

“Strength in numbers?”  “Herd mentality?”  


Loss is the only way things learn. Real, jowl dropping, rub-your-nose-in-it loss.

The only way.

Take it from me.


Home on the Range

