The Soliloquy

July 13th, 2020

Starring: Hamlet, Nurse

A doctor’s office exam room.  Hamlet sits on the table, awaiting a checkup.


To vax, or not to vax-that is the injection.

Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to muster

The coughs and sputters of contagious misfortune

Or to shirk arms against a sea of syringes,

And by opposing contend them. To lie-to cheat-

Oh my; and by cheat to say we end

The immunity, and the thousand natural antibodies

That flesh is heir to.  ‘Tis a disorientation

Devoutly to be wished.  To try-to treat

To treat-perchance hygiene: ay, our hands we’ll rub!

For if we treat with soap what hygiene comes

When we have shuffled off this immoral spoil,

Must give us cause.  There’s the respect

That makes humanity of childrens’ lives.

For who would bear the pinches and burns of needles,

Th’ professors wrongs, the doctors assuming,

The sting of liberal hate, the progressives unswayed,

The insolence of science, and the spurns

That patient merit of th’ unworthy Tweets,

When I myself might healthiest be

Without a booster?  How must our faith bear,

To search and summon for a safer life,

But with the poke of dreadful shots to arms,

The undiscover’d consequences, from whose administer’d

No T-cell recovers, puzzles the will,

And makes us rather bear the meningitis we have

Than get an autism we know not of?

This conscience does make a coward of us,

And thus our pale hue of resolution

Is sicklied o'er with a rosy rash of measles,

And sicknesses of tetanus, rubella, and mumps

With this regard their treatments turn awry,

And lose the name of vaccination.

A nurse enters, holding a syringe.


Art thou ready?



Get thee to a nunnery.

Hamlet broodingly slides off the table and exits.




